Services Offered

  • Crisis Line
  • Temporary Short-Term Shelter
  • Connection to Needed Community Resources
  • Support and Advocacy
  • Information and Statistics
  • Community Education and Outreach

More About the Domestic Violence Network


The Domestic Violence Network is an organization that opposes the use of violence as a means of control over others by supporting equality in relationships and the concept of helping individuals assume power over their own lives. We support the right of all people, from infants to the elderly, to live without fear, abuse, and violence. We believe in a systematic approach to ending violence within families through prevention, education, support, and advocacy alternatives to aggression and domination. Our first priority is to the victims. The Domestic Violence Network supports and involves individuals of all racial, social, religious, and economic groups, and of all ages, gender, and lifestyles. We work to provide victims with tools to access community resources.


We started meeting on August 18, 2008, when it was determined that services were not being provided in Madison and we called ourselves A Concerned Citizen's Group. We incorporated in September 2008 and became The Domestic Violence Network of the Lake Region. Several months later received our 501c3 status.


State's Attorney's Office:


Food Pantry:


Dept. of Social Services:




Police Department

Madison: 605-256-7531

Sherriff's Department

Lake County: 605-256-7615
Miner County: 605-772-4501

Court House: Clerk of Courts

605-256-5644 (Protection Orders) click here to complete online

Domestic Violence Network © 2025. Developed by Intuvio Solutions.